
  • GitBucket 3.7 released!
    Today, we are pleased to announce the availability of new version of Scala based Git platform GitBucket 3.7! New markdown processor Markdown processor has been switched to markedj from pegdown. markedj is a Java port of graceful markdown processor marked.js....
  • gitbucket community plugins started!
    gitbucket community plugins the community site for gitbucket plugins has been started! Currently, two plugins are listed. Announce plugin H2 Backup plugin If you have your plugins and you want to join this community orgaization, open a ticket/issue to reference...
  • GitBucket 3.6 released!
    Today, we are pleased to announce the availability of new version of Scala based Git platform GitBucket 3.6! User interface improvements Some parts of GitBucket user interface had not been catched up to GitHub. In GitBucket 3.6, we have updated...
  • GitBucket 3.5 released!
    Today, we are pleased to announce the availability of new version of Scala based Git platform GitBucket 3.5 with Gist plug-in update! Octicons Octicons is an open-source web font contains GitHub like icons provided by GitHub. GitBucket and Gist plug-in...
  • How to create GitBucket plug-in
    GitBucket has the plug-in system to extend itself from outside of GitBucket. In this entry, I show how to create a simple GitBucket plug-in. Create project First, create a new sbt project with the following build.sbt and project/plugins.sbt: build.sbt name...