Today, we are pleased to announce the availability of new version of Scala based Git platform GitBucket 3.7!

New markdown processor

Markdown processor has been switched to markedj from pegdown.

markedj is a Java port of graceful markdown processor marked.js. Since it provides good support for GitHub Flavored Markdown, some markdown notation differences between GitHub and GitBucket are solved by this switching.

markedj was ported for GitBucket, but it’s simply a Java library works on Java7. Therefore you can use markedj in your JVM based application easily.

To use markedj, at first, add following dependency into your pom.xml:

	<name>Project Amateras Maven2 Repository</name>


Then, you can easily use markedj via io.github.gitbucket.markedj.Marked:

import io.github.gitbucket.markedj.Marked;

String markdown = ...
String html = Marked.marked(markdown);

Clone in desktop button

“Clone in Desktop” button has been available in the sidebar of the repository viewer. This button invokes platform specific application (i.e. git client such as SourceTree or GitHub Desktop) to clone the repository.

Clone in Desktop

Provide MD5 and SHA-1 checksum for gitbucket.war

Providing MD5 and SHA-1 checksum for the released gitbucket.war has started since this version.

They are available at the download page with gitbucket.war. You can verify the downloaded war file by comparing these checksum and hash of the downloaded war file using commands such as md5sum or sha1sum.

In addition, this release contains some improvements and bug fix. See all closed issues in this release to know details.

Enjoy GitBucket!