
  • GitBucket 4.11 released!
    Today, we are pleased to announce the availability of new version of Scala based Git platform GitBucket 4.11! Deploy keys support GitBucket now supports deploy keys. You can register a public key to the repository and access to the repository...
  • Benchmark of GitBucket / Gogs / Gitea / GitLab on Raspberry Pi 3
    This article was translated from a Japanese article by @kounoike on Qiita. The original article is here. Introduction Although I prefer GitBucket than Gogs, Gitea ot GitLab personally, Gogs / Gitea seems faster than GitBucket because it’s written in Go....
  • GitBucket 4.10 released!
    Today, we are pleased to announce the availability of new version of Scala based Git platform GitBucket 4.10! Update to Scala 2.12, Scalatra 2.5 and Slick 3.2.0 Scala version has been updated to 2.12. Also Scalatra and Slick have been...
  • GitBucket 4.9 released!
    Today, we are pleased to announce the availability of new version of Scala based Git platform GitBucket 4.9! GitLFS support Experimental suppoort of GitLFS is now available. You have to fill the base url of your GitBucket instance at the...
  • Let's begin Scala with GitBucket!
    This article was translated from Japanese article by @nazoking on Qiita. The original article is here. What’s GitBucket? GitBucket is an open-source Git server based on Scala and JVM technologies. It provides features like GitHub or BitBucket and can be...