Today, we are pleased to announce the availability of new version of Scala based Git centric software development platform GitBucket 4.34.0!

Since this is the first release in 2020 and also the first release in 7 months, a lot of updates are included. Let’s see the major ones.

Admin settings UI enhancement

Admin settings UI has been restructued and some new setting items are available.

File upload settings

Previously, the max upload file size and the upload timeout were configurable by command line options, environment variables or system properties. These parameters are now configurable in the admin settings page. Also, limitations for large files are configurable separately.

Restrict repository operations

Restrict repository operations

Administrators can restrict repository operations (delete, rename, fork and transfer) in the admin settings page. Only administrators can do these operations when restricted.

Restrict repository operations

User-defined CSS

In addition to choosing AdminLTE theme, administrators can customize the presentation of GitBucket by defining CSS which are applied to all GitBucket pages in the admin settings page.

User-defined CSS

Improve repository viewer performance

We improved the repository viewer performance particularly on large Git repositories by introducing in-memory cache and the skipping showing detailed information if the directory has too many files.

Persist session on disk in the standalone mode

Added --save_sessions option which enable to persist session on the local disk in the standalone mode. You can use this option as follows:

$ java --save_sessions -jar gitbucket.war

WebAPI updates

Added list commits API and some APIs have been enhanced for further compatibility with GitHub API.

Troubles in Jenkins integration have been reported from many GitBucket users, though we hope that these updates will contribute better integration with Jenkins and any other products which support GitHub.

Bundled Plugin updates

Two of plugins bundled with GitBucket distribution by default has been updated.

In addition, this release contains various improvements and bug fixes like improvement of MariaDB support, activity logging and limiting the repository list in the sidebar. See all closed issues in 4.34.0 to know details.

Enjoy GitBucket!